"If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change."    Buddha

Mindful Flowers, a unique form of creative meditation, weaves together mindfulness exercises with simple and easy-to-do floral designs inspired by the Japanese art form of Ikebana.  

This creative activity is a way of bringing meditation into everyday life while composing beautiful, contemporary floral arrangements.

Mindful Flowers inspires participants to see and experience wonder and beauty. This practice also cultivates awareness, presence and balance. 

A virtual Mindful Flowers experience is now available.

The Mindful Flowers Workshop

Mindful Flowers celebrates creative personal expression.  It is a new way of exploring nature and beauty as a mindfulness practice based on a contemplative art form that originated in the 7th century.

Flowers and other natural materials are used to help us focus on the beauty that surrounds us. You will learn simple design skills inspired by my Ikebana training that will help you engage with both yourself and your materials. The result is a simple and elegant contemporary style floral arrangement.

It is through grounding, breathing and “listening” to your materials that you create.

It is my hope that if you learn to see and listen in this new way and that you will create an arrangement that is unique to you and that reflects your personal essence.  Your arrangement is a soul collage made with natural materials. Upon viewing, you may be able to see a reflection of your authentic nature.
